The reason I joined Arbonne is because I loved their focus on Safe and Natural Health and Wellness.
My dad was a reflexologist so I was born into the idea of East vs Western medicine and know the importance of an Integrative approach to Medicine.
Below is a List of EVERY Kind of All Natural Supplement that could help you through this time of Covid.
I have also included Links to products I sell and recommend to save you time in trying to find them.
Nutritional Supplements
Arbonne makes super Tasty Vegan Protein Powders (Vanilla, Chocolate and Coffee) with 20g Protein derived from Peas, Cranberries and Rice. It mixes easily with water or dairy free milk.
Arbonne also makes a Sugar Free protein powder also just a delicious without the SugarFree taste.
PS With Food Shortages THIS is a GREAT Product to Stock Up On!!
This delicate balance of bacteria helps support healthy digestions. Its ingredients include prebiotics derived from Chicory Root and 3 Billion CFU of Bacillus coagulans probiotics plus enzymes. Arbonne holds the patent for one of the best Prebiotic/Probiotics on the market.
A Must have when you are on Antibiotics.
This is a MUST HAVE if you are doing Antibiots since you Can't do DAIRY
Arbonne's powerful AntiOxidant contains Elderberry, Blueberry, Acai, Tumeric, Pomegranate and Amla as well as Vit C, Zinc and Selenium. To help you fight the Covid-Fatigue it also has naturally-derived caffeine from Green Tea Leaf and Guarana Seeds along with botanicals Yerba Mate Leaf and Ginseng Root Extracts to deliver a gentle boost of energy.
"I Am Independent Consultant with Arbonne and have been for 5 years now. They are B CORP Certified. I love that their products are All Natural Healthy Living from the Inside Out. Health and Wellness is something I have invested in for the last 5 years. I have also dodged Covid infection in September 2021 and again now in November 2021 doing my protocols and have helped others by guiding them through my Protocols which I combined from a multitude of Doctors and Other smart Women like me :) I am happy to answer any questions.
If you'd like help getting some products from Arbonne I am also happy to help you with that too, we have AMAZING products :) probably another reason why I never got Covid!!" Georgie D.
Spike Protein Removal Supplements
Zeolite Removes Toxins, heavy metals (and Spike Proteins)
Carbon C-60 comes in Olive Oil, Coconut ($199) or Avocado Oil. It Removes Spike Proteins, Neutralizes Free Radicals, Protects against 5G and Harmful Radiation, Slows down Oxidation and Improves Heart Health.
Mixed in Total darkness for 2 weeks and provided in an EMF proof pouch.

Pine Bark Extract (Pycnogenol) Natural Anti-Oxidant. Anti-Inflammatory. Removes Spike Proteins and Prevents them from replicating. Improves blood circulation. Lowers blood pressure.

A German University Study found that the common Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) can block Spike Proteins from binding to the ACE2 cell surface receptors in Human Lung and Kidney Cells.

White Pine Needle is a Good source of Suramin and Shikimic Acid which is an all natural Anti-Viral and helps to Remove Spike Proteins. Dr Mikowitz said Suramin is the antidote to this bioweapon and transmission of Spike Proteins. Fresh pine needles have been used for centuries as sources of vitamin C and other phytochemicals that Native Americans used to treat respiratory infections and other ailments. Pine needles contain many substances that appear to reduce platelet aggregation in the blood, potentially preventing blood clots that lead to strokes, heart attacks and pulmonary embolism diagnoses. Suramin has inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade and against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA. Excessive coagulation causes blood clots, mini-clots, strokes, and unusually heavy menstrual cycles.

Arbonne's AntiOxidant SuperBoost Immunity Shot has Elderberry in it which is ALSO effective at Stopping Spike Proteins in Viruses

Powerful antioxidant, Helps loosen thick mucous, Immune booster, suppresses viral replication and reduces inflammation. It is an amino acid vital to the Creation of another naturally occurring antioxidant in the body called Glutathione

Selenium is an essential mineral which Helps strengthen the Immune System, reduces asthma related systems, reduces oxidative stress protecting cells from DNA damage, destroys cancer cells, lowers inflammation, powerful anti-oxidant and neutralizes free radicals.
Supplement Information A - Z
Ashwaghanda: All natural MOOD Enhancer. This supplement has been really helpful to me with my depression!! It balances Cortisol levels. Boosts energy levels. Provides Immune Support AND it is also a PLA2 Inhibitor (Snake Venom Inhibitor).
B Complex Vitamins: Helps protect the heart and can reverse heart damage.
Bee Pollen (organic): Has all the vitamins you need in 1 tsp of daily. Helps Long Haulers recover faster.
Budesonide: Make sure you have this on hand. It is a VITAL Part of your fight against Covid / Snake Venom poisoning!!
Budesonide ALT: If you don't have Budesonide you can do 50% Hydrogen Peroxide solution mixed with Saline and a Drop of Iodine in your nebulizer.
Dandelion Leaf - A German University Study found that the common Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) can block Spike Proteins from binding to the ACE2 cell surface receptors in Human Lung and Kidney Cells.
Echinacea: Don't use longer than 4 weeks
Eldeberry: Highly powerful Anti-viral. Stops Spike Proteins in Viruses. Arbonne make an amazing AntiOxidant Immunity Booster
with Elderberry, Acai, Pomegranate, Blueberry, Amla and Tumeric.
Colloidal Silver: Antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic. Recommend ONLY dermatological uses if you have are experiencing Skin Rashes, Shingles etc from the Vaccine as Colloidal Silver has some drug interactions for example with Levothyroxine and Antibiotics to name a few (it lowers the effectiveness of each) So do NOT use if you are taking Antibiotics.
Garlic/Ginger: Have potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. Protects the cells against damage from Oxidative Stress. When taken regularly may protect your brain and improve cognitive health. Studies have shown Garlic and Ginger have strong Heart Protective properties. Other studies have shown that garlic helps reduce blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol, and that it helps prevent atherosclerosis, or the buildup of plaque in the arteries. It also has anti-cancer properties and may protect you from certain types of cancers. ** If you have taken the Vaccine this is Especially pertinent to you as many cancers are popping up in people who taken the vaccine.
K2: Suggested to be taken when taking a Vitamin D supplement. You can buy it separately or as D3+K2 together.
N-Acetyl-Cysteine: Helps loosen thick mucous, antioxidant, immune booster, suppresses viral replication and reduces inflammation. It is an amino acid vital to the Creation of another naturally occurring antioxidant in the body called Glutathione.
(Can be ordered directly from Life Extension)
Magnesium Citrate or Sulfate: Helps smooth lung tissue and Reduces lung inflammation, which promotes Bronchodilation. It reduces oxidative stress. Has anti-oxidant effects on the lungs. Is a calcium antagonist and due to it belonging to B category formulated by FDA (meaning it is safe and non-teratogenic) makes this a good treatment for Pregnant women infected with Covid. Magnesium sulfate is a commonly used drug in obstetrics, for its effective prevention and control of preterm labor, gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, and eclampsia with few side effects. Not to be taken at the same time as Zinc. Can take it at bed time.
Melatonin: Is also an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and a protector of mitochondria. Often used in high concentration for LHCS. Apparently it is ALSO a SNAKE BITE Inhibitor!!
Mullein Leaf Tea - Good for Respiratory illness as it Helps to loosen mucous.
Oil of Oregano: Anti-Bacterial - Tested against 49 Bacterial Strains and it was effective against ALL of them. Golden Seal Good Brand.
Pycnogelnol (Pine Bark Extract) - A natural anti-oxidant and great at removing spike proteins. Its also has anti-inflammatory properties, lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow.
** Ivermectin (and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)) - Are both Zinc ionophores (they force the Zinc into the cells i.e. making the Zinc work better at protecting your body from cell damage due to Viruses). Multiple doctors have said Ivermectin is the safer option between these two anti-virals which is why I do not mention HCQ in these protocols. DOSING is usually 12mg (a day) for 130 pounds and under and 18mg a day for 130 pounds+
NOTE: Just like Hospitals, Regular pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens have been ORDERED to WITHHOLD this TREATMENT! Trust me I Know! I have an RX into a CVS and they made up some LIE about their manufacturer being delayed!! See Next Section on how to get it. So PLAN AHEAD and Order this AHEAD OF TIME BEFORE YOU GET COVID!!
* If you do not have HCQ or Ivermectin, QUERCETIN is a viable stand-in. Quercetin works best when taken with Vitamin C and Bromelain, as vitamin C helps activate it and bromelain helps with the absorption. Bromelian also has Anti-Viral and Anit-Clotting Properties.
NOTE Re Quercetin...if you have a Thyroid disorder only take Quercetin till you can get some Ivermectin as it affects Iodine uptake.
Nobel prize winner Albert Szent-Györgyi discovered that Quercetin and Vitamin C act as an antiviral drug, effectively inactivating viruses.
Vitamin C - You'll want to get Liposomal Vitamin C and you can take a higher dose than 1000mg. Feel free to take up to 3000mg Daily. ESPECIALLY MEN who seem to be more susceptible to symptoms with lower levels of Vitamin C!!!!
Snake Bite HERBS Antidotes: English Wild Custard Apple, Velvet Bean or Cowhage, TUMERIC and Plantain
White Pine Needle Tea / Extract *** - Good source of Suramin and Shikimic Acid which is an all natural Anti-Viral and helps to Remove Spike Proteins. Dr Mikowitz said Suramin is the antidote to this bioweapon and transmission of Spike Proteins. Fresh pine needles have been used for centuries as sources of vitamin C and other phytochemicals that Native Americans used to treat respiratory infections and other ailments. Pine needles contain many substances that appear to reduce platelet aggregation in the blood, potentially preventing blood clots that lead to strokes, heart attacks and pulmonary embolism diagnoses. Suramin has inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade and against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA. Excessive coagulation causes blood clots, mini-clots, strokes, and unusually heavy menstrual cycles.
Zeolite - Removes heavy metals and toxins and Spike proteins (also stops them from replicating). With Chemtrails being sprayed regularly. Flouride being added to the water. Genetically modified ingredients being added to our foods. Vegetables being sprayed with pesticides. This is a great product to also take daily (pandemic or no pandemic). In an SGT Report they talked about how “Zeolite” could possible rid the body of the dangerous Spike Proteins found in the Covid shots. Negatively-charged zeolite works like a magnet, trapping positively-charged toxins and volatile organic compounds such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium and many more, and carries them out of the body within hours and since the Spike Proteins are positively charged it’s believed they could could be removed as well.
Zinc - Elemental Zinc is what you want to get. If Zinc is in your cells and a virus gets to your cells, it cannot replicate. Not everyone can tolerate Zinc so make sure to take with food. Zinc helps to Neutralise Spike Protein Damage from COVID vaccines, which enables the body to make proteins and DNA, contributes to wound healing, and plays a role in childhood growth and development
Tips and Suggestions During Covid Infection
1) It's important to stay Hydrated. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. Herbal tea like Rooibos will also provide additional antioxidants and settle an unwell stomach.
2) Keep up your nutrition while you are battling Covid or Vaccine Adverse Side Effects. You might not feel like eating much while you're exhibiting symptoms, so make sure you have things like Protein Shakes and (Dairy Free) soups. Warm salty fluids decrease swelling in your upper airway and improve circulation. Arbonne makes delicious Vegan Protein Shakes that you can Mix with Water or any Dairy Free Milk like Almond Milk or Oat Milk which is VERY HEALTHY. And Make sure to stay DAIRY FREE and Dairy is Mucolytic and SUGAR FREE as much as possible as Viruses (like cancers) feed off sugars.
2) IF you get a Temperature, which is anything 100.4 and above you can take Tylenol every 6 Hours until it comes down.
3) IF you also end up taking an Antibiotic its always suggested to take a Probiotic.
Arbonne also makes an Amazing Prebiotic Probiotic to help replace the healthy bacteria and to help your body absorb the nutrients from your food and all the natural supplements you will be taking.
4) Also recommended to sleep sitting up as much as possible especially if Covid has hit your lungs, so that you can take the pressure off of your lungs. Melotonin can help relax you at bedtime.
5) During the day try get up every HOUR and maybe Walk around your house a few times or even outside, to get your O2 Sats UP and to get your blood moving and to give your lungs the opportunity to EXPAND and BREATHE.
6) Gargle with a solution of Betadine and water 3x daily. Add 2 tablespoons of 10% iodone/poviodone (Betadine) to a cup of water.
7) Do a Nasal Rinse 3x Daily (Saline + 1/4 Tsp Betadine)
8) Place a heating pad on your chest to increase circulation to your lungs.